On 6 September 2023 Bromo was again on fire because of some tourist lit up flare for their prewedding pictures. The savannah of Bromo was on fire on August because of the very dry summer, then off after several days. Now its on fire again because of irresponsible act of some tourist. The lit of fire in any kind is actually prohibited in the national parks as it brings huge risk.
Right now the rangers and volunteers are working hard to turn off the fire.
To prevent accidents like this happen in future, lets check what’s not to do when visiting national parks, not just in Bromo but also every other national parks in Indonesia
1. Do not lit fire. Whether its bonfire, flare, firework its prohibite to lit up fire as it can cause forest fire especially during the dry season. If you are smoking, make sure it turns off completely before throwing it in the trash bin
2. Drone permit. To fly a drone it needs special permit from the national park and it cost ranging depending on the national park.
3. No hunting. All wildlife is preserved in the national park area. Even fishing are prohibited. You want to check with your guides which area is safe for fishing.
4. Camping permit. You need permit to camping inside national park area
5. All guest must report when entering national park area. Your ticket is contribution for the the national park preservation.
6. Do not litter. Bring back your trash and keep the area clean
7. Don’t take anything. We know that the flower is pretty and the starfish is cute but lets let them be and enjoy their beauty in their place.
8. If you are going snorkeling/diving, do not step on the corals.
In the end, the goal of all the strict rules is to keep the preservation of the national park. Its a treasure we should cherish by keeping it as natural as they are. Lets contribute to the national parks by being a responsible travelers!