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Hello Trippers!


Tripperhood is a dream comes true for me. It was started by a mistake. Choosing to study in a major I don’t really like has led me for finding a salvation. And I found it in an organization called Matrapala, where we ought to explore mountains, caves, rock hills and jungle, then learn to love it. These guys took me exploring places I never even imagined, showing a whole new world to me. Even though there were hard times when we have to hike up with a heavy carrier on our back, but those moments are things that could never be bought. Those are times where my love for traveling  is grown and keep growing until now.

I found traveling is my reason, something I can learn from, something I have to live with. And INDONESIA? My mother country is astonishingly beautiful. With 17,000 islands expanding in 5000 km wide, hundreds of tribes and culture, this land has everything to offer. Majestic mountains, pristine beaches, friendly people, and much more reasons that made me thinks, how can a country be so blessed by God?

But loving is sharing, right?

So we come up with Tripperhood. Not just a tour travel, not just a brand, but we are your friend, your mates, that will take you exploring Indonesia’s beauty. Let you feel the experience and a life-changing journey. Making moments and always more than just another holiday.

So, congratulation! You’ve come to the right place for your journey in Indonesia.

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