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December 2015

Ho ho ho! Christmas is here and  its time for a long holiday! Most of you must have planned your Christmas and New Year holiday. Out of town or stay in the city, here are some travel tips for your pleasant Christmas holiday 1. Do traffic-research As everyone is out of home, traffic must be full. Use your gadget to find out which road has less traffic. Google maps or waze can be your best friend on road. Stay tune on local radio station to find out the most recent news on

Since December 2015, Bromo is erupting and reached third stage of dangerous level. No one,even the locals can come down to the sand of the sea. Moreover to the crater. Police and some army patrols everyday and clearing the area. Our hotels were empty because a lot has cancelled their trip to Bromo. Bromo feels so quiet without that many travelers that usually crowd up. The lined up jeeps cannot been seen. Everyone thinking Bromo is erupting, you cannot go closer so its useless to come. But we said, Go!

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